‘The #Vegas Motel Diary’ is a web series that parodies all of the shenanigans that go on in the longtime cultural phenomenon of people choosing to reside in one of the many “weekly motels” that could exist, only in Las Vegas. This is Your Late-night Alternative to Crime Re-enactment! Produced, Written, Directed& Edited by Lara WhittenAll Images by Lara Whitten All Rights Reserved Episode 005, titled, “Fans Only, Please (Halloween Edition)” continues to parody all things Las Vegas and the phenomenon of so-called “webcam girls” and services, like, #OnlyFans and all the craziness that ensues. #LasVegas #Halloween #hustling #motels #parody Episode 004, titled, “Neonopoly”, follows Steve and Meg, as they scheme and dream of #hustling #Vegas. Episode 002, titled, “Sunrise O’Stripper follows, Sunrise, an infamous and notorious Las Vegas stripper, who arrives “home” to the motel after going on stage all night long at her beautiful and opulent #LasVegas strip club to find her much younger boyfriend…. Advertisement for my starter web series, ‘The #Vegas Motel Diary’. New episode, titled, “Fans Only, please! (Halloween Edition)” coming October 2022. Episode 003, titled, “Freaking Tweaking”, examines the obsessions of our protagonists as they try to party like it’s #LasVegas in a hotel room that they can’t pay for. Episode 001, titled, “When the Cat Lady Sings” follows, Franny, a broke heiress/mob princess that winds up a cat lady living in a weekly motel. Oh, and the only job she’s ever even kind of had, is, lounge singer. And, yes, this is based on the true story, of my, trying to stop her from becoming a cat lady(and, my first video effort ever. It is a little rough but still entertaining). Please Join the Mailing List We Will Never Share Your Information with Anyone Lara@LaraWhitten.com Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) Δ Lara Whitten Singer. Dancer. Guitar. Sag/Aftra Actress. 2550 East Desert Inn Road #304 Las Vegas, Nevada 89121Lara@LaraWhitten.com